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Cryptocurrency Active Supply Hits Record Lows: Bitcoin and Ether Movement Plummet


Recent data from The Block unveils a significant decline in the movement of tokens within the crypto sphere. Bitcoin and Ether, the top contenders in the cryptocurrency market, have witnessed an unprecedented slump in the percentage of their active supply over the past year.

The dwindling activity in token movement arrives amidst crucial junctures for these digital currencies, raising questions about their future trajectory and impact, particularly in light of Bitcoin’s imminent halving of block emission rewards.

Bitcoin’s Dwindling Activity

During the peak of cryptocurrency fervor between March 2017 and 2018, 59% of Bitcoin’s supply was actively changing hands. However, this statistic has plunged dramatically in the past year, with a mere 30.12% of Bitcoin’s supply undergoing transactions.

Similarly, Ether, which experienced an impressive 86% movement in its supply between July 2016 and 2017, has substantially declined. Only 39.15% of its collection has changed hands in the past year, marking a record low in its active supply.

Bitcoin’s Anticipated Halving and Inactive Tokens

The forthcoming halving of Bitcoin’s block emission rewards, predicted to occur in April next year, casts a shadow over the current statistics. According to the Block’s data, the percentage of tokens untouched for three and five years has reached unprecedented highs. The supply of inactive coins has surged at 58.58% for three years and 70.13% for five years, up from previous lows of 73% and 83%, respectively.

While the supply of inactive coins is rising, transactional activities on these networks have paradoxically neared their peak. This dichotomy raises intriguing questions about the behavior and motivations of cryptocurrency holders amidst evolving market dynamics.

The Broader Implications

This stagnation in the movement of cryptocurrencies holds broader implications for the market. It raises debates around the perceived role of these digital assets—whether they are increasingly being held as stores of value akin to digital gold or if market participants are adopting a more conservative approach due to uncertainties in the global financial landscape.

Moreover, decreasing the active supply of these tokens could impact market liquidity, price volatility, and overall adoption rates, fostering a more intricate and nuanced discussion within the cryptocurrency community.


As Bitcoin and Ether witness historically low levels of active supply movement, the cryptocurrency market finds itself at a crossroads. The impending Bitcoin halving, coupled with escalating dormancy in token movement, prompts critical reflections on these digital assets’ future trajectory and utility. This apparent contradiction between inactive token supply and heightened network transactions underscores the evolving nature of the crypto space, inviting closer scrutiny and analysis from market participants and observers alike.


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