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Renowned Financial Guru Robert Kiyosaki Urges Bitcoin Investment Amidst Inflation Concerns


Kiyosaki’s Twitter feed ignited a storm on November 23 when he spotlighted the burgeoning inflation crisis, empathizing with individuals grappling with financial strain due to rising prices. Urging people to shield their wealth from inflation’s impact, he champions Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver as viable avenues for protection against economic uncertainty.

The author, famed for his bestselling book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad,’ reiterates his longstanding belief that traditional currency values are diminishing, labeling the monetary system “FAKE money.” Encouraging a pivot towards assets like Bitcoin, Kiyosaki warns of the looming repercussions for those sticking solely to dollar savings.

Bold Predictions: Kiyosaki Forecasts Bitcoin’s Meteoric Rise

Bolstering his unwavering support for Bitcoin, Kiyosaki predicts an astronomical surge in its value. With an earlier forecast in October envisioning Bitcoin hitting $135,000 amid an uptrend in Gold prices, his more audacious projection from August 2023 set the stage for Bitcoin’s ascent into seven-digit valuation territory. Referring to Bitcoin as ‘God’s money,’ Kiyosaki envisions a future where the cryptocurrency scales past the $1 million mark, paralleled by Gold’s ascent to $75,000 and Silver’s rally to $60,000.

Kiyosaki’s Diverse Investment Palette: Not Just Bitcoin

While Kiyosaki remains a fervent advocate for Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver, his investment radar extends beyond these assets. Recently eyeing tech giant Apple, he flagged an opportunity after CEO Tim Cook sold his shares, indicating a potential buy-in if Apple’s stock dipped below $150. However, despite the stock’s flirtation with this mark, it has since rebounded at over $189 per share.

Kiyosaki’s consistent drumbeat for Bitcoin investment and anticipation of its stratospheric rise underscores his unwavering commitment to alternative investment strategies in an increasingly volatile financial landscape.


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